Respiratory Protection and Safety

MARCOM's interactive course on Respiratory Protection and Safety provides employees with this important information and help facilities in complying with requirements of the OSHA Respiratory Standard.
Each year, tens of thousands of U.S. workers are exposed to harmful airborne contaminants. These noxious gases, dusts, vapors and biological pathogens can cause lung damage, cancer and other serious illnesses.
Some can quickly cause loss of consciousness and even death, often without warning. To avoid these hazards, workers need to understand the risks associated with airborne contaminants as well as the government regulations and safe work practices that can protect them. They also need to be familiar with various types of respirators, understand how they work, and know how to use them.
Areas covered in the course include the need for a Respiratory Protection Program, respiratory basics and disposable masks, air-purifying respirators and filter types, atmosphere-supplying respirators including SARs and SCBAs, fit testing a respirator, wearing a respirator, maintaining a respirator and more. Using a powerful combination of audio, full-motion video, text and colorful graphics, this course provides the most cost-effective safety and regulatory compliance training available today. The course is divided into a number of logical sections so information is easily understood... and retained.
MARCOM's online courses come with a comprehensive and easy-to-use learning management system (LMS). With this system you can establish your own training environment by setting registration requirements and defining log-ins, create curricula for various positions and departments, set up tests... and more.
The system also tracks all employee activity and performance, including, which courses employees have taken, when the courses were taken, test scores, and other important data. This information can be accessed online as well as printed in hardcopy form.
Course Outline
This course presents fundamental information on respiratory protection and safety. Upon completing the course, employees should: - Understand the various types of respiratory hazards that can be encountered in the workplace. - Understand the purpose and content of a Respiratory Protection Program. - Know the basic types of respirators and how they work. - Know safe work practices that they can follow to avoid respiratory hazards on the job.